Breaking News

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Thousands participate in annual KZN Reed Dance

Carrying the symbolic Zulu reeds, thousands of maidens have taken part in the annual Reed Dance at the Enyokeni Royal Palace in Nongomo, northern KZN. The cultural annual event has seen the young women, led by the King Goodwill Zwelithini's daughter, Princess Nomcebo present their reeds to the king. See images from the event below. 

Reed Dance 2016
Photo by Khatija Nxedlana
Reed Dance 2016
Photo by Khatija Nxedlana
Reed Dance 2016
Photo by Khatija Nxedlana
KZN Reed Dance 2016
Khatija Nxedlana
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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

African Beauty

Thousands of Zulu maidens are making their way to Enyokeni Royal Palace in Nongoma, north of KwaZulu Natal for this year’s annual (uMkhosi woMhlanga) Reed Dace.
Last weekend more than 100 000 Swazi maidens attending the annual reed dance.

The maidens presented reeds they had cut to the Queen Mother at the Ludzidzini Royal palace in Swaziland.  Princess Sikhanyiso Dlamini of Swaziland, who celebrated her 27 th year birthday on September 1, joined other maidens for the annual secret ceremony. Princess Sikhanyiso, the eldest daughter of king Mswati III of Swaziland, shared these exclusive pictures with Drum.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Mexico party slammed for topless women at women's rights event

A Mexican political party has come under fire for bringing out topless women in body paint at a campaign event promoting women's rights ahead of weekend elections.
The four women appeared at Tuesday's event in Mexico City wearing white pants and turquoise paint over their breasts and stomachs -- the colors of the small New Alliance Party.
The word "free yourself" was painted in their backs, under a drawing of an unfastened bra.
They stood alongside New Alliance leader Luis Castro, who smiled and applauded in front of a banner reading "For the Women and Girls of Mexico City."
The party, an ally of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party in Congress, was closing its campaign for seats on a constitutional assembly for the capital.
The event was slammed by the federal government's National Women's Institute.
The institute said in a statement it "condemns and regrets the existence of political campaign strategies that denigrate women by exhibiting them as objects and repeating the sexism and stereotypes that encourage discrimination and violence."
The event was also criticized on social media, with Twitter users writing "misogynists," "very vulgar" or "how degrading."
The New Alliance party came under fire after four women took part in a campaign event in Mexico City wearing only white pants and turquoise body paint, the party colors
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Why Virginity testing reverses the empowerment of women

 More than 500 bare- breasted virgins and their supporters hold a march in Pietermaritzburg on 14 July 2005 on their way to the Kwazulu-Natal Legislature to protest against the passing of the Children’s Rights Bill approved by the South African National Assembly.The Bill outlaws virginity testing which is practiced in some African traditional communities.The traditionalists called for the practice to continue as it an integral practice of Zulu custom and tradition.Once the Bill is approved, it will effectively make anyone practising the tradition, or parents who give their consent to it will be gulity of an offence.
 Riverlea, Johannesburg, South Africa, August 20, 2011. Virginity testing is an ancient Zulu and Southern African Nguni custom that was revived in the time of Aids to try and find a way protect young girls from the disease, as many fall victim to rape and abuse. It is also a way to celebrate celibacy in a nation with massive HIV rates. Despiote this, there are many critics who say that it either humiliates the girls or marks them as targets for rape as there is a persistant belief that sleeping with a virgin cleanses one of Aids. This ceremony in dumpland near Soweto was named as Umhlonyana or Sweet 16 ceremony to acknowledge Lerata Ndlela’s adolescence (she turned 15). Two of the girls were found not to be virgins, and Gogo Thembi Sibisi, a scion of Zulu culture, counselled them and sent other group adults to meet with their parents. One of the girls had been raped by an adult neighbour and the other had sex with a boy of the same age – both pre-teenagers.. Photo Greg Marinovich / Storytaxi.
reed dance
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Zulu Reed Dance at eNyokeni Palace, Nongoma, South Africa

Zulu maidens deliver reed sticks to the King, Zulu Reed Dance at eNyokeni Palace, Nongoma, South Africa
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Kroba girls from Ghana

These Kroba girls from Ghana are on their way to bathe in a nearby river in a ritual of purification where they will be cleansed in body and spirit

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